First Annual Meeting JPI Ocean & Climate EUREC4A-OA
The first annual meeting of the NextG-Climate-Sceince project EUREC4A-OA will take place as a virtual event on 29th March 2021 (14:00-17:00 CEST) and 1st April 2021 (09:00-12:00 CEST). The first day is organized around some [...]
ESSD Special Issue EUREC4A
Earth System Science Data has launched a special issue on EUREC4A: "Elucidating the role of clouds–circulation coupling in climate: datasets from the 2020 (EUREC4A) field campaign"
EUREC4A campaign 1st Anniversary
The EUREC4A consortium is conducting a series of ZOOM meeting at 9pm Paris time to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the field campaign. Friday Feb 12 @Ben on boundary layers and clouds Monday Feb 15 [...]
Project Kick-off Meeting
The e-Kick-off meeting of the "Improving the representation of small-scale nonlinear ocean-atmosphere interactions in Climate Models by innovative joint observing and modelling approaches" (EUREC4A-OA) project for the JPI Oceans & Climate EUREC4A/ATOMIC Ocean & Ocean-Atmosphere [...]